The Butterfly
I recently read this excerpt from the book "Mantled with Authority"-God's Apostolic Mandate to Women, and came accross this clip by Jean Hodges, and was so moved I had to share it with you!!! Pay close attention to the last paragraph. You may look fragil, but you are strong and reflect His beauty, you are valuable and important. Where would we be without you!!
Recently I visted a butterfly farm and was amazed as I watched thousands of beautiful lacy-winged, brilliantly colored insects flutter from flower to flower. We were told how they go through stages of change, first as caterpillars, who eat with voracious appetites, then cocoon themselves away, and are in time transformed into the lovely creatures that emerge to fly thousands of miles, cross-pollinate plants, and fulfill their destinies.
For many seasons women have been relegated to the worm stage and have been oppressed and suppressed by cultures, wrong attitudes, mores, and religious systems. In this new season, the Lord is feeding His handmaidens with the truth of the Word of God. He is cocooning them in His love and beginning to transform them, to heal them of old wounds, and to redeem them to the full purpose for which He designed them.
Butterflies look very fragile, yet they are extremely strong-able to traverse continents and overcome many obstacles. In this new season, the Lord is bringing forth women of all colors and nationalities, infused with His Spirit-called to reflect His beauty, to demonstrate His love, to proclaim His message, and to release His power in all the nations of the world.
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