Monday, September 25, 2006

Unity and Diversity

Unity and Diversity
Two things that we know the Lord especially loves are--unity and diversity. The Lord loves diversity so much that He even makes every snowflake different. No two trees are alike. Every leaf is different from every other leaf on the planet. He made every human being different from every other human being. The Lord's creativity and love of diversity is prevalent throughout His creation. Unity in diversity is a basic principle of His government. It is therefore understandable that these two would be blended into a fundamental principle of how He will rule in His Kingdom.

The Lord also loves unity. If you knew you only had a few hours left to live, your prayers would certainly be focused on the most important issues of your heart. The Lord spent His last night on the earth praying, and the dominant theme of that prayer was the unity of His people.

The words "unity" and "diversity" put together form the word "university." The original purpose of the university was to bring together into unity the study of all the different subjects and disciplines. True unity is a unity of diversity, not a unity of conformity. To seek this and maintain it is a noble cause, and is the basis of Kingdom government. Authority exercised in one realm can have consequences in many others. Just as the different tribes all had their own inheritance, they also had to maintain a relationship to all of the other tribes and keep in their hearts their vision for being one nation. We must do the same.

Aaron, the high priest, carried the stones of all of the tribes over his heart on the breastplate. If we are going to walk in the high calling of God, we, too, must keep all of God's people on our hearts, not just our own tribe, church, or movement. This does not mean that we do not have a great and specific vision for our own tribe, but we must always keep the others on our hearts as well and be considerate of the others in our actions.

For the original twelve apostles to function together, they had to have tremendous humility and consideration for the others. This remains a foundation of true spiritual authority. As we are told in James 4:6, "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble." One of the most basic characteristics of one who is truly humble, is that they are teachable, like a little child. Those with true humility recognize that they only see in part and know in part, so they are always open for the parts that must come from others.

For the very foundation of that government, it would be hard to imagine a more diverse group than the twelve apostles being chosen and called to work together. Without understanding the Lord's devotion to diversity in all that He does, we will not understand a very basic characteristic of His nature or His Kingdom.

The Lord's Team
On the Lord's team, He had different apostles with different gifts. Peter was an extraordinary evangelist. John was more prophetic. James was more pastoral. Others emerged as great teachers and missionaries. Together, their individual strengths would help the others weaknesses and vice versa.

The first century leadership of the church was also a relay in which the dynamic leadership changed as was needed. Peter began on the Day of Pentecost, but after the evangelism was well-established, the dynamic leadership passed off to James, the pastoral one, which was obviously the strength that was then needed to establish all of the new converts.

Later, after the church was dispersed abroad from its base in Jerusalem, it appears that Paul was the defacto dynamic leader of the body of Christ at the time. His teaching, especially on the New Covenant "grace versus law," etc., was desperately needed at that time, and it was right that the focus should be upon him. Then, after the passing of the others, John, the prophetic one, emerged as the dynamic leader, whose revelation message would help prepare the faithful ones for the generations to come.

Flying in Formation
Years ago, when I inquired of the Lord about how to have a movement that would not stop moving until it had grown up into the fullness of Christ, He gave me a simple, but surprising answer. He said that to do this, we would have to use the wisdom of the geese. I then studied geese to see what this might mean, and I quickly understood it.
Geese fly in a formation in which they all draft behind one another, which reduces the effort required for flying 20 to 35 percent. Because of this, they can fly much farther than if they did not fly in formation.

Likewise, there is a formation that the Lord has called each of us to be in--the local church. Christian growth in every way will be far slower and more difficult when we try to do it alone than when we are rightly connected to His body. In fact, it is quite clear in the New Testament, that full maturity simply is not possible without a vital local church life. This includes knowing our ministries and spiritual gifts, and functioning in them in harmony with the other ministries and gifts in the local church--flying in formation.

True local church life is going to be difficult at best. It is hard to get along with other people, but it is essential for true Christian maturity, and is in fact much easier than trying to do it alone. I have heard quite a few people say that they love the Lord, but just don't like His people. The Scriptures are clear that this is not possible, as we read in I John 4:20-21: "If someone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also."

A truth that not many want to hear is that the harder the relationships are in the local church, the faster and easier it is to mature in Christ. Love is the essence of maturity in Christ, and if we cannot love those whom we are going to spend eternity with, we are not going the right way, at best. So flying in formation is crucial or we will be left far behind in true Christian maturity.

Leadership Changes and Pruning
We must also consider that in such a formation, someone will have to be in the lead. That goose is obviously not able to draft behind the others, and therefore will tire at a rate of 20 to 35 percent faster than those following. Therefore, for the whole formation not to bog down because the leader is tired, we must learn to change leadership regularly. This is in fact what the first century church did, transferring the point position from Peter to James, to Paul to John, then to different ones who are called "the early church fathers."

This really should be done not just with the leadership position of the local church, but with every position. If your children's ministry, worship, home groups, evangelism, teaching, or any other ministry in the church starts to plateau or stop making progress, you may want to consider giving that leader a break and letting him or her draft behind someone else for awhile.

Of course, many will consider that a demotion or a failure, especially if they are territorial or have their spiritual identity wrapped up in their ministry. This will usually need to be delicately negotiated, but it is as essential for that leader's spiritual health as it is the church's. Every time we have implemented this, it has not only enabled the specific ministry to accelerate its progress again, but enabled the leader to receive rest and begin to advance in their own personal growth again. After a rest, he or she will be ready for leadership again.

We need to also consider that just because a church or ministry which is a part of the church plateaus, this does not necessarily mean a leadership change is required to get it going again. There are times of rest, just as the pillar of cloud would sometimes stop for a period of time to allow Israel to rest. There are also times of pruning in which churches or ministries are cut back so that they could bear more fruit in the future.
All of these things need to be weighed, but if there is a true team leadership in the church and in the ministries, then switching leadership from time to time will be a positive experience for all. As one on our ministry team who was a former NBA player said, "When someone gets the hot hand, every great team will quickly recognize it and feed them the ball."

Also, just because one passes off the point position of leadership to another permanently, this does not mean that they do not continue to be leaders. In fact, they can become even more fruitful in their ministry if they are not in a point position of leadership.

The Lord Himself was the Master of this grace of humility in passing off the leadership to another. He even told His apostles that it was expedient for Him to leave in the flesh so that the Holy Spirit could come.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Becoming Transformed into an Expression of the Kingdom Will Produce Words Against You--ARE YOU ALRIGHT WITH THAT?

"Becoming Transformed into an Expression of the Kingdom Will Produce Words Against You--ARE YOU ALRIGHT WITH THAT?"

Kinship with God
Your spirit believes in the things of God that would "get you in trouble in this world!" The Holy Spirit, in whom you and I have covenant with, believes in Truth that transcends this entire world--whether religious, cultural, or humanistic. Jesus Christ exemplified an extreme belief in the Divine Identity He shared with the Father. He did not think He was taking anything away from God whatsoever.

His very life was driven, molded, and empowered by His belief and kinship in God. He believed in His kinship more than the authority of the religious world of His day. He "allowed" His belief and faith in God to put Him in seemingly harmful predicaments.

His faith "stirred" the religious minds of His day, and He was often called, "cursed, a false prophet, a devil, and a madman!" His oneness with God made Him stand out on purpose, from the rest of the world.

He did not stand out as a result of legalistic submissions, dress codes, dogmas, and doctrines. He stood out as a result of what His Spirit believed in. He believed in what God believed. And because of it, He was labeled many things, established many enemies, and was consistently honored, cursed, and feared, by the masses who heard Him.

Are you Ready to be Like Jesus?
The Things that your spirit believes in will get you in trouble, and I want to know-- "Are you alright with that?" Believing in, as well as becoming and being transformed into an expression of the Kingdom, will definitely produce "words against you." Are you alright with that?

Are you alright with being put on the spot, wondered about, and misunderstood? Are you cool with the fact that you no longer are being empowered to please men, nor their opinions, and to suffer ridicule for being one with God? Are you ready to become friends with seeming "loneliness" in order to be one with God and His beliefs?

Are you ready to believe and become a thing that the world cannot label, neither can religion control? Are you ready to live with that type of fearlessness and power? Are you ready to eat Words of God that produce this kind of dominion? Are you ready to become best friends "with a sword" that will bring division between beliefs of the Kingdom, and beliefs of religion and the mundane?

You see, to be like Jesus, is not to merely be Christian or religious. To be like Jesus is to become comfortable with being one with the Identity that He embraced for Himself. It is to become comfortable with not only sharing His Life but also His enemies. Are you ready to be confronted with the enemies that confronted Jesus?

To be like Jesus is to believe what He believes, and to be placed in situations where people may doubt you more than believe in you! Are you ready to be doubted more than you are believed in?

To be like Jesus is to believe like Jesus. It is to become what Jesus became. You cannot do what Jesus did until you believe like Jesus did. You cannot do what Jesus does unless you become what Jesus became!

Overcoming Inner Tension
And if you find the "inner tension" in embracing what Jesus believed in, to be more powerful than the rightful identity and nature that God established you in before the foundations of the world-- then you will not do what Jesus did.

To be like Jesus is to overcome that "inward resistance" that comes to make you doubt who you are in Him. When you truly and fully believe that you share in the Divine Nature of God, then the "tension of resistance" that comes as a result of not being fully confident in the Truth, will no longer paralyze your momentum and progression in Maturity.

Jesus did not suffer from the "tension" of Kingdom Revelation. He could freely hear the Father and smile. He could freely eat what the Father ate "without doubting Himself." He did not allow His present conditions and turmoils to derail His confidence in God. Neither did He allow the shame of being naked on the cross the privilege "of taking away His fearless belief." He allowed His belief to get Him in worlds of trouble!

To Become Comfortable with Jesus
To become comfortable with Jesus is to become comfortable with a radical. It is to become confident and trusting in Truths that are not commonly spoken, embraced, taught, or confirmed. Many would ask Jesus, "Where did you get this authority?" Or, in today's terms, "Who is your pastor? Where did you get this insight? Who is your covering?"

Are you comfortable with being one with a Person who was uncovered by religious means, radical in His lifestyle, and spoke Truths that many could not understand or affirm? Because to be friends with Jesus, is to be considered a troublemaker and a stirrer of the mundane, the religious, and the significantly complacent.

The Beliefs that your Spirit shares with God, will produce a discomfort to those who have allowed fear to be lord of their hearts, and it will bring a stirring that you had nothing to do with whatsoever.

To become comfortable with Jesus "is to become comfortable with being confronted with the enemies of His Mindset!"

Are you ready for that?

Jesus is Lord of everything you are, as well as everything He is awakening within you!

Undrai and Bridget Fizer
Undrai & Bridget Fizer International

Monday, September 11, 2006

Dream Weaver

God is the Master Dream Weaver. Through dreams, God communicates directly with us concerning our destiny as well as the destinies of our families, our nation, and our world. Many people today, particularly in the Western culture, never recognize God speaking to them in this way, because they have been conditioned by a skeptical and sophisticated society to discount the language of dreams. Within our own generation, God is reconnecting us to a vital part of our spiritual heritage.

Over 200 times, the Scriptures give reference to dreams and visions, and 300 hundred times, the Scriptures refer to angels. God is a supernatural God, and He communicates to His people through supernatural means.What Is A Dream?A dream is a series of thoughts, images, or emotions that appear in our minds during sleep. Sometimes they are straightforward, but most of the time they are not. In the case of Holy Spirit-inspired dreams, often there is the need for careful interpretation, as these dreams tend to be parabolic in nature. In other words, like the parables of Jesus, the meaning of a dream is sometimes hidden.Mark 4:10-13, "As soon as He was alone, His followers, along with the twelve, began asking Him about the parables. And He was saying to them, 'To you has been given the mystery of the Kingdom of God, but those who are outside get everything in parables, so that while seeing, they may see and not perceive, and while hearing, they may hear and not understand, otherwise they might return and be forgiven.' And He said to them, 'Do you not understand these parables? How will you understand all the parables?'"Jesus' pattern of teaching was to speak in parables and mysteries--not to keep people in the dark, but to whet the appetite of those who were truly hungry for the truth. He wanted to draw them in, so they would press forward to know more. He loves this journey of hooking us with revelation, with the purpose of actually reeling us into His very heart.
Dreams and visions often use parabolic language. Like parables, dreams are mysteries that need careful deciphering. Dream language is the mystical language of Heaven.Mark 4:22-25, "'For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.' And He was saying to them, 'Take care what you listen to. By your standard of measure it will be measured to you; and more will be given you besides. For whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.'"Things are hidden for a divine purpose: the purpose of being revealed. God is going to speak secrets to you--things that in the beginning you might not quite comprehend and understand. But as you go on the journey and you receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation, you will learn how to understand mysteries and secrets.We need to be attentive. Listening is in many ways is a lost art, but it's a vital skill we need to learn to become fluent in dream language.

Walking in the fullness of the Spirit is like sailing. We must learn to put up the sail to catch the wind, so as to be driven along by the wind. That is like the moving of the Holy Spirit. We also need to have an anchor that gets dropped beside our boat, which is like the Word of God. At times we need to go into the harbor and drop the anchor, rest, meditate on the Word of God, and get refueled. But then there are other times that you pick up your anchor (you carry the Word of God with you), you put up the sail, you catch the wind, and go where the Holy Spirit leads you. The anchor, the Word of God, is what grounds us and what serves as a solid foundation.Numbers 12:6, "He said, 'Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, shall make Myself known to him in a vision. I shall speak with him in a dream.'"
God says that He will speak to His people in a dream, and He will make Himself known in a vision. He uses both of these instruments to draw us into His purposes.Job 33:14-18, "Indeed God speaks once, or twice, yet no one notices it. In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men, while they slumber in their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction, that He may turn man aside from his conduct, and keep man from pride; He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from passing over into Sheol."
Our minds are often so preoccupied that it is hard for us to hear God. If He cannot catch our attention during our waking hours, He will speak to us during our sleeping hours through dreams. Our Heavenly Father will use dreams and visions as an avenue of identifying the hindrances that are in our path to His purpose.Joel 2:28-29, "It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days." Dreams and visions are a major part of the prophetic outpouring of God's great love in the Last Days!Hebrew Old Testament WordsThree very similar Hebrew words are used in the Old Testament to refer to dreams. Whichever word is used, the Old Testament makes clear that God is the Master Dreamer. He downloads His dreams within us and thereby transforms us into dreamers as well.Chalam: "to cause to dream" or "to be a dreamer."Chelem: "to dream."Chalom: "dreamer."
Greek New Testament WordsOnar: The common word for "dream." It is the kind of dreaming we all do when we sleep. God can and does use these common dreams to communicate with ordinary people. Example: Joseph's dreams to marry Mary, escape to Egypt, and then return home; and the dreams of the wise men who are told not to return to Herod (see Matthew chapters 1, 2, and Matthew 27:19).
Enupnion: Refers to a vision or a dream received while asleep. Enupnion stresses a surprise quality that is contained in that dream. It is the kind of dream that has a startling effect, like waking suddenly from a dream and finding yourself strangely alert with your senses particularly acute. (Also see Jude 1:8, 10.)

Cessationism has done a great damage in the church. Cessationism is the basic teaching that the spiritual gifts stopped when the canon of Scriptures closed, or when the last apostle passed away. The good news is that the book of Hebrews says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. The truth is that the false doctrine of cessationism, is going to cease because God's Word says, "I'm going to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh."
What God did then, God does today, and God will continue to always do. Dream language is the language of the ages. It is this mysterious way that God comes into our lives, invades our uncomfortable zones, and simply comes to speak to us.
Early Church Fathers
Great portions of the church father's writings about dreams and visions, have been only recently translated into English, and have, therefore, been largely ignored in the past: Thomas of India, received instruction from his dreams. Polycarp was given a vision of his martyrdom.
Irenaeus had wise understanding of dreams. Clement believed that dreams come from the depth of a soul.
Tertullian devoted eight chapters of his writings to dreams.
Gregory of Nyssa spoke of the meaning and the place of the dream.
John Chrysostom, the one who was called "golden mouthed" because he had such oratorical grace upon him, called dreams the source of revelation.
Constantine was directed in a dream regarding the Heavenly sign that he was to carry into battle.
Thérèse de Lisieux life was changed through a dream.
John Newton, an early slave trader, was stopped in his tracks in his lifestyle and his vocation by a dream from God. This became the man who was so turned around in his life, that he eventually became a chaplain to the King of England. He went on to write the hymn that is possibly one of the greatest Protestant hymns of all ages: "Amazing Grace."
Abraham Lincoln
It was said that Abraham Lincoln had a dream where he saw his own body lying in state when he was President. I wonder what effect that had upon Abraham Lincoln. I wonder if that dream was not used to help prepare him to be able to meet his Maker at any moment.
Reverend A. J. Gordon
The following is an amazing dream that impacted a man who became one of the great pulpiteers in America. A seminary is named after him today in Boston: the Gordon Conwell Seminary. The Reverend A. J. Gordon, a famous Baptist preacher of Boston, told of a dream that drastically changed his ministry, even though he had never paid attention to dreams before this:
"I was in the pulpit before a full congregation, just ready to begin my sermon, when a stranger entered and passed slowly up the aisle, as though silently asking with his eyes that someone would give him a seat. Half-way up the aisle, a gentleman stepped out and offered him a place in his pew, which was quietly accepted.
As I began my sermon, my attention became riveted on this hearer. To myself I said constantly, 'Who can that stranger be?' After the service ended, the visitor had left before I could reach him. The gentleman with whom he had sat, remained behind however. I asked him, 'Can you tell me who that stranger was who sat in your pew this morning?' In the most matter-of-course way he replied: 'Why, do you not know that man? It was Jesus of Nazareth.'"
The dream was the seminal event out of which came a complete change in Gordon's approach to ministry, and a vivid transformation in his parishioners. This dream is written in his book How Christ Came To Church: The Pastor's Dream.
A. J. Gordon never preached a sermon again to please men. He preached as though his guest was the Man Christ Jesus, and he preached to please Him.

The secret to becoming a good dreamer, is to become a good receiver. God did not only send dreams to those who believed in Him, but also to unbelievers because He wants their hearts to turn to Him.
Dreams to Prophets
Abraham (Genesis 15:12-17)
Jacob (Genesis 28:12; 31:10)
Daniel (Daniel 7)
Dreams to Unbelievers
Abimelech (Genesis 20:3)
Laban (Genesis 31:24)
Midian (Judges 7:13-14)
Pharoah's Butler and Baker (Genesis 40:5)
Pharoah (Genesis 41:7, 15-26)
Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2:1, 4, 36)
Wisemen (Matthew 2:12)
Pilate's Wife (Matthew 27:19)
Dreams to Other BelieversSolomon (I Kings 3:5)
Joseph (Matthew 1:20)

every receiver needs a transmitter. In human experience, dream transmission originates from any one of three different sources.
Personal God (II Peter 2:1, Acts 27:15-17)
Natural Man (Ezekiel 13:1-6, Jeremiah 23:16)
Demonic Darkness (Acts 16:16-18)

Proverbs 25:2, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search it out. It's the glory of a king for something to be searched out."
You're a king and God gives you the right to go into the King's palace. He wants to give you the keys of revelation to be able to search something out. Being able to understand revelation, is about being a son, a daughter; it's about kingship. What are dreams for? To whet our appetite, because if you're left musing, you're more likely to find out what it was all about.THE

God has a dream for your life, and He wants you to have the spirit of revelation upon it. He has a great plan, and He wants to use these ways to speak to you. Perhaps you will be a Joseph and you'll have a dream, and you'll blab it prematurely, and you'll get in all kinds of trouble, and you'll end up learning about the ways of God, not just the knowledge of God.
May God raise up such a people in the earth, that the world will come and say, "Behold here comes the dreamer." We live for Christ, but we also live to release the fragrance of His presence wherever we go. I don't want to live an ordinary life; I want to live a supernatural life that would cause the people to say, "Who is that strange man crying in the wilderness? Behold here is a dreamer."
Lord, I ask for Your grace, and that the Spirit of wisdom and revelation would be released to us. Dream through us and weave an incredible tapestry for the world to see!
For Jesus' sake, Amen.

James W. Goll
Encounters Network

Friday, September 08, 2006

True Treasure Hunters

Victoria Boyson:

As an apostolic generation emerges, we will see in them a people who are driven to recover and release the destiny of others. They will look past obvious weaknesses in those they discover to find priceless treasures.The apostolic man or woman, tirelessly searches through the refuse of the devil, to discover those the enemy has abused and entangled in sin, and knows hidden treasures are awaiting him. He possesses the heart and mind of Christ and views people through the eyes of redemption. He is a treasure hunter and views the world quite differently than most. He does not look for treasure in the storehouses of palaces, but in those who have been discarded and abandoned by the enemy.

Fields of Treasure
True treasure, in the hunter's eyes, is that which is discovered in the forgotten fields, where the unkempt grass has grown and masks the treasures hidden in it. Others, who were more concerned with getting to their destination than helping their brothers, have passed by this forgotten field without giving it a second glance. Those who passed by, inevitably missed some of the greatest treasures God could have bestowed upon the body of Christ. Seeking to become the embodiment of Christ, the treasure hunter looks for the great among the lowly and meek. It is the greatness of Christ in the treasure hunter that enables him to recognize the greatness in others. With patience unmatched, he listens to one heart-wrenching story of neglect and abuse after another, each more disparaging than the last. With the precision of a diamond cutter, he dissolves the wounds of the past with the compassion of the cross.One after another these forgotten treasures are restored; given dignity and a position in the family of God. The treasure hunter's esteem for them, gives them a sense of value that they have not known before. These forgotten treasures are able now (through the esteem of the treasure hunter), to receive the love and forgiveness of a Heavenly Father they had not known, and thus, they gladly become loyal servants to the Lamb. Through the gift of appreciation, the treasure hunter has revealed their value. Now others, who before, did not understand forgotten treasures, give way to the estimation of the treasure hunter. Others open their hearts and receive the hunter's newly found treasure, and welcome the forgotten into their trust, as they themselves were once the object of the hunter's search.With his God-given authority, the treasure hunter has raised the value of his brother. This once forgotten treasure can now take up his rightful position in the army of the Lamb.

The Army of the Lamb
A deeper look into the life of the treasure hunter shows us he has surrounded himself with treasures that others have deemed unworthy. Yet, these unworthy, broken people have banded together under the guidance of the treasure hunter to form a powerful army.What a frightful sight the forgotten treasures have suddenly become to the enemy! Those he has beaten and abused--those he has thrown out and treated with contempt, have come back to haunt him. Satan sees before him, an unstoppable force made up of his discarded refuse!Satan thought he had destroyed them, reducing their value through bondage to sin. But now he sees them standing before him, bold and stouthearted, under-girded by the evaluation of the treasure hunter and the love of Heaven.This army is consumed by their goal--to alight upon their enemy, and dismantle the kingdoms of darkness, to retrieve those caught in satan's webs of delusion.

The New Enemy-Seeking Warriors
This great army is outfitted with weapons made from satan's own handiwork. Every bondage and bruise satan has inflicted on them, every episode of painful rejection and humiliation, has been turned into a powerful weapon aimed at his chest. The enemy anguishes when he realizes what he has done. He has not reduced this treasure to trash, but he himself, through his evil efforts to rob, kill, and destroy, has created his own worst nightmare--redeemed souls bent on his destruction.One-by-one satan looks at their familiar faces and he sees the broken marriages, the deaths, the lost dreams, and the defeats of sexual immorality. The weapons he used to inflict pain on them, in an attempt to destroy their destiny, have been turned on him (Romans 8:28). These weapons are even more powerful than before, because they have become a part of this new army's destiny, and have been enveloped by the mercy of the Lamb. Satan knows that these "enemy-seeking warriors," are not naive as they once were, but now they know how he operates. They have learned a lot from their failures and the enemy knows they will use that knowledge to destroy him.These great warriors will not be beguiled by selfish ambition and pride. They have walked through the fire of affliction and shine with the radiance of Heaven. Their strength lies not in themselves, but in their love for one another. They esteem their brothers as better than themselves and would surrender their lives for them if necessary.They are fearless, because they have suffered all that hell has thrown at them, yet they have endured it. Furthermore, they live not for themselves, but for the Kingdom of Heaven and the Lamb. They are passionately devoted to their King and will give their all to build up His kingdom. In one glance, satan has seen that those he has tried to destroy...will destroy him.He cannot convince them to hate themselves anymore as he once did, because they have received their righteousness through the life-giving blood of the Lamb. Satan has nothing left to throw at them, because these warriors have become familiar with his ways and will use that knowledge against him...he is terrified.
He recognizes that his time is close--that these whom he has tried to destroy, have now been raised up and given a higher level of authority in the spirit, because of the abuse they have endured. By his own enticement, the enemy has trained them. With his own destruction and rejection, he has armed them.Satan knows better than anyone else, as he looks into an endless sea of faces of people he has tried to devour, that--as he sought to dethrone the beloved of the Father from their place in His heart--as he sought, with hateful jealousy, the destruction of the apple of God's eye--he has sealed his own fate. The souls satan yearned to destroy have now become unstoppable warriors!

United in Christ
This mighty army of warriors is the united body of Christ. Armored in selfless love for one another, they no longer stumble over each other as they once did--they refuse to "break rank." They esteem the compassionate and apostolic leadership of the treasure hunter, and wait for instructions from him. They look to him in anticipation for the command to attack--to be released to fulfill their destiny. As the treasure hunter leads an army of unwanted, unvalued, yet priceless treasures rescued from the rubble, he lowers his sword and points it directly at the enemy, and unleashes what hell has feared. With one word they are dispatched to plunder the kingdoms of darkness. As they invade the realms of darkness, they retrieve countless souls once deemed as useless and as hopeless as they themselves were once thought to be. They trample the enemy under foot, overwhelming him. He can give little defense. The enemy of the Lamb crumbles in defeat; the work of his life is stolen in a moment. The kingdom of darkness is raided, and more hidden treasure is recovered and sent to the fields of grace...Heaven on earth...the church, where newly trained treasure hunters await their arrival.Having defeated their fallen foe, the warriors stand and look towards Heaven and in unison they cry, "FOR THE KINGDOM OF Heaven AND THE LAMB!"

Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Friday Night School of the Holy Spirit

On September 1. I went to School of the Holy Spirit in Marion. It is a large church service that just rocks :) About 400 people attend. Well during worship, the Spirit fell heavy and it was amazing. Well Prophet Jim Stevens come out to the mic (normally prophetic words are given to the congregation during worship, not individual prophecies. Individual prophecies are usually at the end of the service.) So when Prophet Jim came forward, I figured he was going to give a word to the church (as 3 others had done also during worship) BUT... He didn't he picked me out of the crowd and this is what the Lord gave him!!!

"Father we thank you for Barby, I thank you for the grace of God on her life. Barby I hear the Lord saying to you that you have paid the price you have said Lord I’ve done all I know to do to prepare and I am standing here and as you sang this song tonight you said Lord I give it all up to you. God says get ready because I am about ready to move you into a new position in life. God says I am about to break open some areas for you and there was a great disappointment that came into your life in the last 6 months and God said you had to make a choice whether to go with me or to go with what your soul wanted to do and God said you chose the better portion. So the Lord says to you tonight I take away the pain, I take away the hurt and God says I release you from the sting. And you did not make a mistake the Lord says, you made the right choice and God says I am here to bless you, bless you, bless you. Wooh, in Jesus name hallelujah. We are free hallelujah."

Well I was of course crying and laughing at the same time. God is so awesome.
Thank you Lord
I love you

I have been forgiven MUCH!