Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Independence vs Interdependence

a passage from the book Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

Men tend to view independence as a sign of strength, maturity, and 'manhood.' Interdependence is more than a long word - for men it is often a bitter pill to swallow, a sign, even, of weakness.

While this sense of independence may be culturally celebrated, it is NOT a biblical truth. It needs to be critiqued using the framework of the nature of God. While it is true we must be willing and unafraid to stand alone, if need be (consider Jesus on the cross), it is even more true that the movement of God is a movement toward people, even sinful people. The reason Jesus stood alone was so that others could be brought near to God. In essence, he stood alone in order to gather his children to himself. His solitary act was a radical statement of the importance of community. If we desire to be remade in God's image, we will be molded in such a way that we move towards others.

In fact, for most men, the flight from others is an act of cowardice, not courage. A man can't handle a maturing relationship with a woman around his own age, so he divorces his wife and marries someone the age of his daughter in a futile attempt to preserve his 'power'. Another man is unwilling to face the fact that his wife is not his 'mother', but a partner who expects to receive as well as to give, so he sulks and gives his wife the silent treatment, rather than own up to his own sense of neediness. Still other men may be unwilling to enter the 'give-and-take' required of a complementary relationship, so they ignor their wives and throw themselves into their work - where they are always in charge and where their subordinates must bend to their will.

These are not profiles in courage; they are monuments of male shame.

When God calls me to continually move toward my wife, he is calling me to shape myself into HIS very image!

Sacrifice has taken on such negative connotations that people fear being a 'codependent' more than they fear being percieved as selfish!

Move Forward

May 20, 2008. Move forward today like the powerful force you are. There can be no hesitation now. The time is right. I have given you outer boldness and inner confidence for the assignment. If you hesitate and begin to gather the opinions of others, your progress will be stopped or impeded at the very least. I have given you a good heart and it can be trusted. Some say you cannot trust your heart, you have to have it all figured out and reasoned in your head only. This is a ploy of the enemy to steal your ultimate destiny. Go forth now and do not look back for I am sending you today. Acts 4:29-31 "And now , Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence, while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus." And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness."

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Like a brush on a canvas

I see a light - at the end of my darkness
A light - like a brush on a canvas
Splashing new colors on me
Colors I never could see

I see a light - shining out of the dark
And I rise - and push myself forward
Shaky at first as I try
'Cause mmy eyes still aren't used to the light
And I've been here since Lord knows when.

My wounds and fears kept me locked up within
And I couldn't open up and couldn't forgive!
But I hear my Shepherd calling me
Just like Lazarus when he got free
And I know this love can roll the stone away!

But I see a light - at the end of my darkness
A light - like a brush on a canvas
Splashing new colors on e olors I neer could see
I see a light! I see a light! I see a light!

by John Dickson

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Dear prophetic people!

Dear prophetic people,
I am working on a silk for next weekends 24 hr prayer for lima/allen county. As many of you know that the name Lima means "the river that speaks" I believe that this is very prophetic and that God wishes for Lima to speak truth!! On this silk I desire to prophetically call forth those things that God wishes Lima to speak forth "example: deliverance and healing" He has told me that since Lima is made up of many people, that the words on this silk is to be told by many :) So I am asking you to pray and ask God to reveal to you what God desires Lima to speak. Email the words to me by thursday please, and I will have the silk completed for friday. I will also send you a picture and post it on my blogg. :)

God's Spirit is on me; he's chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, "This is God's year to act!"
Luke 4:18

Thank you so much, God is ready to move, aren't you excited!!!!
Love ya