Saturday, April 01, 2006

To know the power...

To know the power of the reserection... we have to be buried!

What does being buried mean? Wow, God has been speaking to me tonight about this. We tend to get so busy doing, doing, doing, that I think sometimes we miss what God is trying to reveal to us in His simple truth. How can I apreciate the reserection, if I have never experianced a death, and then a burial? I need to die to self, die to flesh, die to pride, die to wants, die to fears, die to busyness, die to religion. martha did, and did, and did, what did Mary do? She sat at the feet of Jesus and just soaked. To me this is what being buried is. To be completely shut off, in the dark, with only God the Father, the Son, and the Holy SPirit. It is a time to shut down and soak, then we can experiance a reserection like never before. Like never before!!!

We all want the power, but we don't want the responsibility and persecution it brings!

To move in the Power of the Holy Spirit, we have to be willing to first die, then be buried, and then truely experiance the reserection! (And more then likely this will be a process that will need to be repeated many times throughout life)

As I BE (not as I do) He will work through me!

Just a thought
I Love you


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