Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Women Awake!

This is a time of awakening. Deborah was a woman who woke up to God's purposes! As the Dictionary of Biblical Imagery puts it, "The general concept of 'awakening' captures the notion of either rousing oneself or being aroused in order to take action, as in the call of Deborah to 'wake up' in song (Judg. 5:12, NIV)." Women, you are more important in God's future than you know.

In his book Satan's Subtle Attack on Women, Dr. J.G. Morrison makes an appeal to liberated women to lead the way in devoted service and sacrifice for the One who has freed them from bondage:

"The advent of Jesus Christ saved womanhood... Christian women, do not forget your heritage. You are the spiritual descendants of the Sarahs, the Deborahs, and the Hannahs of the Old Covenant. Your line is renewed again in the New Testament in Mary who gave birth to Jesus Christ; Elizabeth who mothered His great forerunner; in Mary of Bethany, who anointed His precious head and feet; in Mary Magdalene, who was last at His cross and first at His empty tomb; in the host of women who in the early gospel days, gave their hearts, homes, and deepest toil to the cause of the Master. Your line is again renewed in church history, until for faithfulness, devotion, heroism, martyrdom and all else that pleases the heart of the great Christ, woman has along the way, borne the brunt, shared the vigils, preached with life and lip, and handed the cause on to the next age, with its banners proudly breasting every gale of opposition... Remember then, sisters, your marvelous heritage, and your amazing responsibility."

We will not win the future war of the Church without women coming into their place. Now is the time, women of God, for you to understand your invaluable worth, come into the alignment God has for you and exercise the unique gifts and callings the Lord has for you at this strategic time in history.

Excerpt taken from God's Bold Call to Women by Barbara Yoder


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