Saturday, April 08, 2006

A word to set you on fire!

Here is a word that really set me on fire, hope it speaks to you too.

I love you

God said: “No Longer Wait For Me To Heal You; re-enter The Battle Now. As You Go, You Will Be Healed..."

“Angelic re-enforcements are waiting for you. Your healing will happen as you move out. (Luke 17: 11-19) I did not tell you to retreat…that was the enemy. This trial has made you a seasoned warrior. (1 Peter 1:7). Did not My Spirit already whisper to you, ‘This is no time for self-pity; souls are hanging in the balance?’

Prophetic words are about to be fulfilled. Promises that I gave you years ago will be fulfilled; they are even at the door. You have have wrestled with invisible forces and won. (Ephesians 6:12) That sound you hear is applause from Heaven as you run with a limp to fulfill your call." (Genesis 32:24-26)

God said: “You Thought Your Wound Was A Thing of Shame, but I Am Changing It Into A Badge of Honor..."

“Yes, you stumbled, but you did not fall. The devil told you the opposite...that you blew it again. (John 8:44) NO, YOU HAVE DONE WELL. You will no longer feel humiliated, but justified. (Romans 3:24) A great light (Ephesians 5:14) explodes inside of are not worthless but of great value, and I am placing a ring on your finger." (Luke 15:22) You have been in the crucible, and I allowed the flames to roar but the gold is about to come forth (Malachi 3:3) and so are you. Now is the time to rise up, and look up. (Luke 21:28) No longer will the flames be under you...but the fire will be in your tongue." (Acts 2:3)

The ‘poor me season’ is replaced with the ‘new you’. Quickly grab your sickle...on the horizon your harvest is approaching. (John 4:35) Chains of worthlessness and condemnation fall off, (Romans 8:1) no longer having a grip on you as you cling to My Spirit of acceptance.(Ephesians 1:6) With a huge smile, you embrace the worthiness My Son bought for you. You were wounded, yes, but worthless, never! It was almost a deathblow, but now the smell of victory is manifesting. The enemy trembles, knowing you have awakened. (Ephesians 5:14) You wake up and stand up, you seem the Spirit you are.”

God said: “You Can Release The Strong Grip You've Had On Your Ministry Because I Am About To Tighten Mine..."

“In the past you have toiled diligently, sown much seed and experienced little for your you loosen your control, and let Me run the ship. Suddenly you remember the prayer you prayed long ago...for Me to move in your life, family, and ministry. As you let go you, realize you will not lose what you have already only opens the door to receive a greater harvest. (Matthew 16:24)

I was mindful of your tears (2 Timothy 1:4), and you did not know it at the time, but your prayers were making a reservation in My promises. Your table is now ready. are about to feast. You will reap where you have not sown. (John 4:38) You now let go of worldly (worthless) ideas and embrace Heavenly ones. You feel as if I’ve made you smarter--I have.”

God said: “As You Remove Your Hand, I Will Extend Mine..."

“Your work is being transferred from your hand into Mine. Today I am giving you the power to resist that old temptation to ‘control everything.’ Time that you used to spend ‘brain-storming’ on how to ‘jump start’ your ministry is now spent in prayer (Acts 6:4); and fresh ideas (like manna from Heaven) fall on you. No more attempts to use worldly techniques to bring in a spiritual harvest. You laugh at those old ideas, as revelation from My Spirit (Ephesians 1:17) brings you to a new level. I’ve lifted your vision higher...and no longer will you suffer from spiritual smallness. That crutch you used to carry is gone, transformed into a sword. (Ephesians 6:17)

You feel like a Christian Zorro, only you’re dressed in white. You try to find the wound that started all this mess; it is no longer there. (Jeremiah 30:17) You want to run into the battle, but this time you stop, wisely allowing Me to go before you. (Deuteronomy 1:30) You’re full of confidence in Me." (Philippians 4:13)

"It’s time to last!"

Al Thomas
Celebrating His Life Ministries


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