Sandie Freed:
"Get The Anointing Out Of The Box!"
Get the Anointing Out of the Box!
I heard these words LOUD and CLEAR! The question was...Who said that? Since I had not heard God speak that way before, I immediately challenged the SPIRIT behind the words. Surely that is the voice of the devil, he wants me to believe that I am not anointed! Just about the time I began to rebuke the perceived evil spirit, the same voice trumpeted again, only louder and more distinctly.
"Get the anointing out of the box!" Yes, it was the Lord's voice.
"What do you mean...the anointing is in a box? Are you speaking to me individually...are you speaking to the church...are you speaking concerning another ministry?" I asked the Lord these questions in my mind.
Suddenly, revelation came and it became clear that it was the move of HIS SPIRIT that was boxed in. The Holy Spirit was unable to move freely among His Body because a stronghold of religion, traditions and mindsets limited His power.
Then I had a vision of an alabaster jar. I knew that the alabaster jar was full of anointing oil and the anointing was contained--it was "boxed" within this vessel. I immediately remembered the Scripture where the jar had to be BROKEN in order to release the oil. (Mark 14:3)
The Spirit of God spoke to me once more, and said that just as the oil was contained, it had to be released by the broken vessel to become tangible. The Lord gave me an understanding that the oil often represents the anointing of God.
In order for God's anointing to truly flow and become present in our lives, brokenness would be required. The flow of His Spirit would demand that walls come down. These walls were religious mindsets and traditions of man, which became huge barriers blocking the flow of the oil.
The Oil Needs to Flow!By reading in Psalm 133, we notice that the oil is not to be contained, but it is to flow! Just as the dew on Mount Herman manifests on a daily basis, so is the anointing to be fresh every day in our lives. The anointing is to flow from the head down, covering the entire body. According to the Scripture, the anointing flows freely when unity is present.
Obviously disunity affects the flow. When the Body is under headship, the anointing touches the entire Body of Christ. Therefore, we, as believers, need to find our place within the Body of Christ, and remain in our position so that when the anointing flows, we get touched! As a result, we become empowered with more anointing to fulfill our destiny! To insure a fresh flow of anointing, we must daily position ourselves under the direction and headship of Christ and submit to His plan. This is when we know we are allowing ourselves to become broken...it is now "thy will be done" rather than "my will be done."
Broken VesselsThe word "broken" is past tense of "break." So often I have ministered on the "breaker anointing," and how the Breaker goes before us and breaks open a move of the Spirit. Therefore mindsets and traditions become broken because of His "breaking through" on our behalf. However, I now understand that unless we are also "broke," the breaker cannot bring us into fulfillment (into a past tense, where it is already fulfilled).
We are often like wild horses that need to be "broke" into a place of submission. I recently watched a movie in which a wild mustang was "broke." The actual speaking lines in the movie were, "that mustang needs to be broke!" and, "is that wild horse broke yet?" That horse definitely needed to be tamed. He bucked, snarled and kicked while the owner was attempting to tame his spirit. Finally, after great exhaustion, the mustang would surrender his will to the master.
Isn't this like us? We kick and scream and ask "why?!"... which only delays the plans of the Father. However, once we surrender to His perfect will, there is a breakthrough. We are now "BROKE!" For the anointing to flow, we will have to experience brokenness.
The Vision of the ChariotWhile in worship one morning, the Lord gave me a vision of God in His chariot. His golden chariot hurled from the Heavenlies towards the earth. It was clear He had a pathway planned, and His chariot was directed toward that destiny upon the earth. Suddenly a pathway appeared upon the earth, yet it was unpaved. (It was similar to an airplane pilot spotting the runway...suddenly the runway appears and the plane can be landed.) As the chariot approached the determined pathway, a long line of apostles appeared along each side of the path. It became even clearer that they lined the edges of the path providing the chariot's "runway." As the chariot approached its pathway, the apostles and prophets began to fall down upon the path. THEY became the path for the chariot of glory to follow. In other words, they became the ROAD on which the chariot would ride.
It became more evident that glory would come because these apostles and prophets laid down their lives and they were truly the FOUNDATION (like foundation stones) upon which the Lord would reveal His glory!
The apostles and prophets truly became the road--the highway of holiness upon which God's glory would travel upon the earth. As they fell prostrate before the Lord, their bodies filled in all the chug holes, crevices and rough spots, so that the chariot could move smoothly and freely without any obstacles hindering its destiny.
Laying Down Our LivesMany prophets and apostles have been pioneers of a present-day move of His Spirit. They have determined to focus on fulfilling destiny, and have been laying down their own lives and desires for the gospel. In the vision, the glory would not manifest unless many laid down their own vision, their own desires, and even their own "kingdoms." In order to experience His glory, there will be a death to self and selfish ambitions. But also, to flow in the anointing of God, we will experience needed purification. Just as Esther had to lay down her life, submit to an unknown life with strangers and endure purification, so must we as end-time believers. We must know that we have truly come to the Kingdom for such a time as this!
Full CircleEsther endured a 12-month process of purification. Twelve is the number for "new government." It is time for the "new government" within us to arise. It is our season to take Godly authority over our flesh, over infirmity, and over generational strongholds. Many of us have come full circle once again...this is because we are facing old enemies that need to be put totally under our feet. As our belief systems are transformed, new government will operate within us and through us.
We must believe only what the Lord says about us, and we must decree what God has said about us, our families, our businesses and our ministries.
Find your written decree in the Scripture and begin to proclaim what God hath said. In Esther's time, written decrees were laws which could not be reversed unless another decree was written. A new written decree would negate the power of the previous decree.
DecreesSaints, hear me! God has already written a decree which will negate whatever the enemy has decreed over you! Your written decree is found in the Word of God. Maybe it is written in a personal prophecy or a documented dream. The important thing at this time is to find your written decree and WRITE it down so it can become written. By writing it, you can use it against the enemy...and therefore declare "devil, it is written!" At this time, it will become a proceeding word, just like the proceeding word that Jesus used during His temptation. If you have prophecies that are not "written," it is time to write them so that you can "decree a thing and it shall be established..." (Job 22:28)
The purification process you endure will secure your authority in the Spirit, and the anointing will become more intensified.
You might be wondering, "Is it worth it?" I have even asked myself this, especially when the fire of God is scorching every fiber of my flesh. But, I have always concluded that YES, it is worth all the sacrifice when I experience someone being ministered to by the Holy Spirit through a teaching, or when I witness a saint receive hope through a prophetic word, or see someone get their miracle or breakthrough. Yes, it is worth the process to be a vessel of His glory!
TransitionThe Lord began to reveal more to me concerning the appearing of His chariot. I was reminded that in one incidence, His chariot appeared at a time of transition. Transition means to move from one place to another, or from one POSITION (in the spirit) to another. The Lord's chariot appeared when Elijah was taken up into Heaven, and also when Elisha was transitioning into his new double portion anointing.
By studying the passage of the transition of Elijah-Elisha, let's observe what this means today. When God's chariot of GLORY came to earth, it was symbolic of "thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."
1. The mantle of the "old" prophet was given to the "new" prophet. The passing of a mantle is a releasing of authority, but also it is symbolic of a garment change in the Body of Christ; taking off old clothing and putting on the new. Also, we are putting off the old man and putting on the new. A new wine skin is being developed in this season because we must transition into God's New Thing.The changing of the mantles also speaks to us today concerning an old order. Prophetically, the order of Saul is dead and the new order of David is coming forth. Old ways of having "church" will change because a fresh anointing is needed.
2. We are in a season of great transition. Transitioning out of old doctrine, old structure, religious mindsets and religion--into a relationship with Christ, into a church without walls, and turning into empowered ministers in the marketplace.
3. We are transitioning away from a religious movement into the saints movement, where every saint is a minister. In the saints movement, we will witness double portion anointing, and a release of increase and multiplication, as well as financial breakthrough.
4. God wants to release a Greater Glory. This is derived because we are continuing to move from faith to faith, strength to strength and glory to glory.
5. There will be a "breaking open." Heaven had to break open for the chariot of glory to come, which means we must pray for breakthrough.
6. We will become broken as we embrace Elisha's anointing. Remember the process that he endured as he followed his mentor, and he endured with him until the very end.
7. We will experience a parting of our own "river Jordan" as we transition. Elisha transitioned with his new mantle, and the parting of the Jordan was symbolic of the parting from the old into the new.
8. There will be a crossing over. We are leaving the past behind and pressing forward into the new. As we cross over, there will be a reversal that occurs. This reversal will reverse decrees that the enemy has made against us, and will result in a return of what the thief has stolen. There will be a reversal in the curses that have plagued us, as well as a reversal of poverty, which had a stronghold over so many of God's givers.
Being Open-MindedIn order for us to break into this new place, we must be open-minded.
This can become extremely difficult because we are creatures of habit and most of us dislike change. God desires for His children to openly embrace whatever He has planned. This new move will shake traditional mindsets, it will cause each of us to feel uncomfortable. But we must not hold back, we must leap forward into the freedom He is offering.
He Will Oversee Our Building Up and Planting!Just as God oversaw every area in which we were being uprooted or torn down, or feeling destroyed, He promises to oversee you totally rebuilt and planted firmly. (Jeremiah 31:28.) He has had each of us in a process of purification. We have been torn down, He has judged our sins and laid the axe to the root of many hidden desires. Now, precious ones, He will oversee every area as He rebuilds us. He will make the crooked paths straight and cause our ground to be fruitful. This is promised to us as we get the anointing out of the box.
Let's be determined to let go and let God. Let go of tradition, let go so that you can grow. Release and let go of your own control over your situations so that God can release increase.
In Him,Sandie Freed