Friday, May 05, 2006

When God speaks to Breanna

It is amazing how God teaches us sometimes :) This past weekend, Breanna had two dreams. She woke up crying and very upset, and to say the least I didn't get much sleep that night. The next morning I had her tell me the dreams. Now Breanna is 8, and she is very involved in my life. So she sees me move in the Spirit all the time. She knows that I dream a lot, and that one of my gifts is dream interpretation. So she knows that I believe that God speaks to us thru dreams. (Not all dreams, there are 3 different types of dreams that we have, but that is for another time:) Breanna struggles with understanding how God speaks to people. She is very intuitive to the Spirit and hears His voice a lot, but she thinks it should be an audible voice(which it is sometimes), so she thinks that God doesn't talk to her. Oh but He does!!! Well these dreams, upset her, so I had her talk to me about them, and as she was telling me them, she was telling me what God said they meant! Wow, she didn't even realize it. But the whole reason she was so upset with the dreams, was not because of what the dreams contained (if you heard them you would think "Ah, isn't that sweet") But she was upset, because of what God meant by them, and she didn't agree with God! So she spent the night arguing with God about what was going on in her life, and how she didn't understand why God was doing it the way that He was. Well as the Good mom that I am (Ha, Ha) I explained to her about how God always has our best interest in mind, and how we just have to wait and see, and how fighting with God usually only makes it harder on us, but that it is OK, to let Him know how you feel, and to vent to Him, and that He will be there every step of the way. Well, I have been chewing on this all week! And thinking to myself, wow, God was actually talking to ME!!! Everything Breanna was going through, I am going through too, and everything that she is frustrated with, I am too, and all the answers that I gave to her, God was trying to tell me!!!! Well, I have found a different kind of peace this week. Am I still trying to figure out why God is moving in my life the way He is, instead of the way that I think He should? YES! But, God is using Breanna to confirm His promises, and I am filled with joy. Do I want things to move faster? YES! But, I am learning God's timing, and especially that patience is a fruit, a necessary one, and no matter how many times I want to skip over it, God doesn't. So I need to learn it now, so I don't have to stay here forever!!!!

Well, God does speak to and through Breanna, and He speaks to and through you too!!!!!!
I love you


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