A comment about leaning!
Another comment from a friend:) I love you all!!! This is great
Let me kick it a just a few words (need to leave for church). I think the significant part of "lean not of you own understanding" lies with the word lean. Do you do what you do and make decisions etc. based on what you want and see, using basic human knowledge and understanding, or are you depending on God to direct you as you submit to Him, his word, and his will. Many christian people just rely on common sense (kinda) and really don't make God much of the equation. Are we leaning on us or leaning onHim? Keep it simple.
That is so true. So much of what we learn growing up is to lean on our understanding (education), or the understanding of others (based on their education), but one of the reasons Jesus was so radical was that he leaned only on the Father's understanding. Christianity really is so RADICAL! Not that we throw out everything we've learned, but we have to submit it to God first.
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