God's Voice
There is a quote that I love it is:
"My sheep know My voice. For the Good Shepherd NEVER speaks words of despair, hopelessness, frustration, shame, guilt, discouragement, fear, confusion or failure... but ONLY words of hope, rest, victory, peace, power, joy, triumph and love."
I have this taped to my computer at work, so I can continually look at it and try not to forget it, or fall into the trap of listening to the lies of the enemy.
Yes, God disciplines us!! But he is always able to do it in a way that uplifts us and empowers us, leads us to repentance and forgiveness. When I am heavy with guilt and shame, this is from Satan, this usually makes me not feel worthy to go to my father God. But when i see these words, I reject the lies, and know that in Love I can go to him with anything and everything. I can trust him, and I can trust that I hear him and that he speaks to me. Satan wants me to feel like CRAP!!! God never does, God does not guilt us into obediance, he wants to love us into a relationship. Yay!!!
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