Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Racial and Prejudice Mindsets Exposed"

For those of you who love the prophetic, I have to let you know that something is really brewing on the forefront right now!
We are hearing of so many words about racial reconciliation and unity-- and how we, the CHURCH (you and me), are being called to and can step into that place of bringing healing.
This word is a trumpet call to all of us to examine our heart and motives--and let God convict and change us so we can be His extraordinary Body.
Remember, in Christ, there is neither male nor female, black or white, old or young--there are simply those who know Christ loves them and died for them, and those who don't know it (yet)!
From The Elijah List

Robert Ricciardelli: "Racial and Prejudice Mindsets Exposed"

It is very clear that this year's election is manifesting much in the exposure of American hearts. This article is not directed to all American hearts; this is directed to the hearts of those who profess Jesus as King. This is to those who profess Almighty God as Creator and lover of every human being. This is also a time that many are chiming in on their perception of a variety of societal concerns. We are seeing polls that are asking questions like, "Is America ready for a black President? Or female President?" This opens the door for even deeper discussions.

I want to clarify right from the start that this has nothing to do with a political stance. This has everything to do with our Kingdom posture and what we represent to the world and to each other. I have tried to be selective in what I am reading, watching, or listening to politically, because of time and because of the volume of information that streams in each day.

What do I perceive prophetically?

God continues to bring a major shift to this nation and, as always, He desires the shift to be brought forth through His People. We are in a season of divine examination of our hearts and minds. How do our mindsets line up with what we say we believe? There is an ugly and powerful influence still lingering in the Body of Christ. It may mask itself for a while and then manifest injustice towards racial and gender diversity. This remains as an obstacle in the worldwide Body of Christ, as well.

I have wondered how we would feel if Barack Obama's political stance lined up with everything we believed that God desired to lead this country. Would he be received by all of God's people without racial prejudice? Racism can be hidden or ignored, but it lingers still in the hearts of many Christian Americans. I believe that to everyone reading this, the Lord is saying that it is time to deal with it. It is an issue that comes against our mandate to love, and it combats our commitment to truly live as ambassadors of His glorious Kingdom.

Let's consider Hillary Clinton. Would there be concerns if Hillary lined up with everything we believed that God desired to lead this country? The answer is an alarming "yes" in many that are saved and sanctified by the blood of Jesus. And the concerns would be mostly gender related. I am proposing that this year's election is revealing more than left and right politics. I believe this election is beckoning questions of where our hearts may be in our judgment of others.

I have witnessed African Americans, Hispanics, and women get passed over in opportunities, promotions and the ability to lead businesses and churches. These are organizations led by godly people that have discounted lives only on the basis of race or gender, even when the person was the most qualified for the job. These are Jesus-people making anti-Jesus decisions.

This is not a recommendation for either candidate, but a reflective opportunity for all of us to examine our hearts.

This is a great opportunity for each of us to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us if this is an issue in our own hearts that needs to be reckoned with. These issues that are left unresolved will affect our relationships, and ultimately, how we live out our lives to the glory of God. I presuppose that this is as severe as any unresolved sin that must be confessed and put under the blood of Jesus.

Non-white and female Kingdom people are included, as this applies to all of us. Regardless of past injustices, the Lord wants to heal our hearts from injustices to us, our families and our culture. We need the Lord to give us His vision and His love towards all people. This is the day and the hour for freedom to reign in our hearts and minds.

We are truly deceived if we think we can go on into the fullness of God--carrying such things in our hearts and minds.

I pray that the Lord would reveal to us any prejudices, while showing us how to interact, honor, respect and truly love those who are God's beloved.

Lord, let us see with Your eyes when we look at others. Lord, deliver us from our religion, and any part of our culture or heritage that would keep us in bondage.

Hear from the Lord on whom you should vote for, but more importantly, hear from the Lord on whom you must love and whom should never be limited based on their race or their gender. God will continue to appoint both male and female, along with various races to lead people, churches, businesses, and nations to the glory of God.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28

Robert Ricciardelli
Vision Advancement Strategies

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