Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Independence vs Interdependence

a passage from the book Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

Men tend to view independence as a sign of strength, maturity, and 'manhood.' Interdependence is more than a long word - for men it is often a bitter pill to swallow, a sign, even, of weakness.

While this sense of independence may be culturally celebrated, it is NOT a biblical truth. It needs to be critiqued using the framework of the nature of God. While it is true we must be willing and unafraid to stand alone, if need be (consider Jesus on the cross), it is even more true that the movement of God is a movement toward people, even sinful people. The reason Jesus stood alone was so that others could be brought near to God. In essence, he stood alone in order to gather his children to himself. His solitary act was a radical statement of the importance of community. If we desire to be remade in God's image, we will be molded in such a way that we move towards others.

In fact, for most men, the flight from others is an act of cowardice, not courage. A man can't handle a maturing relationship with a woman around his own age, so he divorces his wife and marries someone the age of his daughter in a futile attempt to preserve his 'power'. Another man is unwilling to face the fact that his wife is not his 'mother', but a partner who expects to receive as well as to give, so he sulks and gives his wife the silent treatment, rather than own up to his own sense of neediness. Still other men may be unwilling to enter the 'give-and-take' required of a complementary relationship, so they ignor their wives and throw themselves into their work - where they are always in charge and where their subordinates must bend to their will.

These are not profiles in courage; they are monuments of male shame.

When God calls me to continually move toward my wife, he is calling me to shape myself into HIS very image!

Sacrifice has taken on such negative connotations that people fear being a 'codependent' more than they fear being percieved as selfish!

Move Forward

May 20, 2008. Move forward today like the powerful force you are. There can be no hesitation now. The time is right. I have given you outer boldness and inner confidence for the assignment. If you hesitate and begin to gather the opinions of others, your progress will be stopped or impeded at the very least. I have given you a good heart and it can be trusted. Some say you cannot trust your heart, you have to have it all figured out and reasoned in your head only. This is a ploy of the enemy to steal your ultimate destiny. Go forth now and do not look back for I am sending you today. Acts 4:29-31 "And now , Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence, while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus." And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness."

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Like a brush on a canvas

I see a light - at the end of my darkness
A light - like a brush on a canvas
Splashing new colors on me
Colors I never could see

I see a light - shining out of the dark
And I rise - and push myself forward
Shaky at first as I try
'Cause mmy eyes still aren't used to the light
And I've been here since Lord knows when.

My wounds and fears kept me locked up within
And I couldn't open up and couldn't forgive!
But I hear my Shepherd calling me
Just like Lazarus when he got free
And I know this love can roll the stone away!

But I see a light - at the end of my darkness
A light - like a brush on a canvas
Splashing new colors on e olors I neer could see
I see a light! I see a light! I see a light!

by John Dickson

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Dear prophetic people!

Dear prophetic people,
I am working on a silk for next weekends 24 hr prayer for lima/allen county. As many of you know that the name Lima means "the river that speaks" I believe that this is very prophetic and that God wishes for Lima to speak truth!! On this silk I desire to prophetically call forth those things that God wishes Lima to speak forth "example: deliverance and healing" He has told me that since Lima is made up of many people, that the words on this silk is to be told by many :) So I am asking you to pray and ask God to reveal to you what God desires Lima to speak. Email the words to me by thursday please, and I will have the silk completed for friday. I will also send you a picture and post it on my blogg. :)

God's Spirit is on me; he's chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, "This is God's year to act!"
Luke 4:18

Thank you so much, God is ready to move, aren't you excited!!!!
Love ya

Monday, April 28, 2008

I've been Gone!!

Well if you are reading me regular, you will have noticed that I haven't posted for a little bit. Well I went to a conference, and even though I am exhausted, I am extreemly invigorated!! So I have lots and lots of things to share with you that God is downloading to me. I hardly know where to start!! So stay tuned :)

Love ya

Now is the time to appeal to the KING!

What have you been contending for? Are there things in your life that you have been praying for, believing for or watching for, that have yet to come to pass? If you're like me, you get weary sometimes. Instead of sitting down to the banquet feast, you feel like your plate is full of leftovers.
The Lord spoke to me recently in this regard through the story of a woman that is found in 2 Kings 4. She was barren, and she was desperate.
You know the story: Elisha promised this Shunammite the cry of her heart--a son. Then, after she received her promised child, he died. In a powerful moment of restoration, Elisha raised him from the dead and gave him back to his mother.
But that's not the part of the story I want to focus on. Instead, I want to concentrate on "the rest of the story" (as nationally known radio commentator Paul Harvey might say), because the Lord has insights for us to grasp hold of through this woman's experience (2 Kings 8).
The Shunammite is told by Elisha that there will be seven years of famine in the land and that she is to leave and find a place for her household until the famine ends.
Insight #1
The Shunammite "arose"--she took action. She obeyed God, speaking through Elisha. "So the woman arose and did according to the saying of the man of God…" 2 Kings 8:2.
She had to get up from her place of comfort, from all that was familiar, from the place where she was accustomed to living. She actually went to the land of the Philistines--unfamiliar territory.
So with us, in this hour, God is calling us to step out of the places where we find comfort and security and to risk radical obedience to His leading. To do that, we must "upgrade our relationship with God," as prophetic voice Graham Cooke says. We must press in for greater intimacy with the King, because intimacy is the only source of strength and confidence.
Insight #2: She Appealed to the King
At the end of the seven years, the Shunammite returned from the land of the Philistines and "went to make an appeal to the king for her house and for her land" 2 Kings 8:3.
This was property that she owned, bought and paid for. She was coming to reclaim that which was already hers. There are things that you have been contending for in your life, things you know belong to you--but are not "yet" in your hand.
Now is the time to appeal to the King! Come boldly to His throne of grace and appeal for that which is already yours: family, finances, health, relationships. Jesus has purchased the deed on your behalf with His Blood. The King is waiting for you!
Then God intervenes. The king is talking with Gehazi, Elisha's servant, asking about the great things Elisha has done. As he's telling the king about the woman whose son was raised from the dead, there she stands! Gehazi identifies her as the very woman he was speaking about. After she confirms what happened, the king gives her back her inheritance.
Insight #3: Full Restoration Was in Her Destiny!
Not only did she receive her house and land back, she received the proceeds from the land which had been earned--from the time she left until the time of her restoration.
"Restore all that was hers, and all the proceeds of the field from the day that she left the land until now." 2 Kings 8:6
She moved out of a place of poverty and lack into possessing her inheritance. So are we! When I read this passage, the Lord clearly spoke to me saying, "I NEVER INTENDED FOR YOU TO LIVE ON LEFTOVERS. YOU OWN THE FIELD!"
Every area of your life that you have been contending for already belongs to you. All the prayers you have prayed, all the tears you have cried have not gone unnoticed. The King is declaring over your life: RESTORE ALL!
We are in a season when that which we have sown in the spirit--is being restored to us. The Shunammite experienced seven years of famine. From 2000 to 2007, we have gone through significant things--hard, painful, disappointing things in our personal lives, as well as corporately.
But in the midst, we have sown faith and obedience and trust in the King. We have been faithful to press into Him in times of testing and trial. Each time we yield, we align ourselves in a greater way with His purposes in our lives.
In 2008, your King declares over you: RESTORE ALL!
Jane Hansen

Monday, April 21, 2008

The proof is in the waiting!

A friend of mine sent this to me the other day... because I was struggling with the WAITING :) It hit home. I have been compared to David alot. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't. But God works in the waiting, no matter how much I hate it.
Love ya
The Proof Is In the Waiting

Everybody likes the end results of a miracle, but no one likes the waiting process. Yet it is in the waiting that He actually proves He is God in response to your absolute dependency on Him. Waiting puts you in the position to know that Satan cannot rob you, and that it is impossible for God to be "late" (The God Catchers, p. 86).

David clearly understood the concept of waiting on God. He didn't offer us theory, conjecture, or imagination when he wrote about waiting in the Psalms. He had impeccable credentials as a waiter. The prophet Samuel anointed David as Israel's new king when he was still a youth, but David didn't assume the throne until he was thirty years old. In fact, he spent most of those years waiting on God while running for his life from King Saul. He waited, worshiped, cried out, and praised God in caves, in the cities of his enemies, and in the wilderness. Later, King David even waited on God when his own son rebelled, assumed the throne, and led an army campaign to murder him. The proof of God's presence in David's life was in the waiting, and in the results produced by his waiting on Deity.

Which part of David's life do you prefer: the promise part, the waiting part, or the ruling part? Which part of your life do you prefer? Which is the most important?

The only way we can "entertain" God's presence is by waiting on Him. If we want His presence to invade our individual lives, we must learn to wait on Him individually. If we long to see His presence invade our churches or our city, then we must learn to wait on Him and serve Him in corporate unity. Remember that you must deal with first things first: Become a good waiter privately before you can effectively play a role corporately.

How are your personal "waiting skills"? Do you know how to make God feel at home in your home?

In most cases, we could maintain life and church as usual even if God "never showed up." That means we have little or no true dependency upon Him. He proves He is God as we wait upon Him in absolute dependency. Any way you look at it, we must restructure our lives and worship to restore true dependence on Deity and less dependence on humanity.

What Do You Think?

What will happen if we ever learn how to entertain His presence by waiting on Him? Is there any way to measure the potential of the supernatural power of God released in His people? If a city is to receive divine visitation, someone must learn how to host the Holy Spirit! (page 84)

What do you think?

Scripture Reading: Psalm 27:11-14, in which David urges us to wait patiently before the Lord.
11 Teach me Your way, O Lord,And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies.12 Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries;For false witnesses have risen against me,And such as breathe out violence.13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believedThat I would see the goodness of the LordIn the land of the living.14 Wait on the Lord;Be of good courage,And He shall strengthen your heart;Wait, I say, on the Lord!
The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Father, I've been living far to independently lately. I renounce every independence in my life, and I announce my total and complete dependence upon You. I am completely and permanently in need of Your presence moment by moment. Apart from You I can do nothing but fail and fall. I will patiently wait on You; hungry, thirsty, and longing for Your presence.

GodChasers.Network is a ministry of Tommy Tenney

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I also wanted to wish everyone a very blessed week of Passover :)

And the Lord Remembered

I received this word, and knew that God wrote it especially for me.... maybe it is especially for you too! God has NOT forgotten us, or what He has promised us!
I love you.

Tiffany Ann Lewis:
"And the Lord Remembered"

Are you feeling like your promise is always just around the corner and never in your hand? You have received words upon words, promises upon promises from the Lord and you know that fulfillment is just around the corner, yet it seems like your corner never comes. I guess at a subconscious level I was feeling this way, so the Lord woke me up one morning with these encouraging words, "And the Lord remembered."

The first time we see this phrase in the Bible is in Genesis 8:1 as Noah and the crew were enclosed in the ark for the duration of the flood. As the waters prevailed on the earth, the ark was tossed to and fro in the storm. Day after day they waited for the land to be dry again. Talk about something that seems to be just around the corner.

"Then God remembered..." Genesis 8:1

This does not imply that God forgot; rather, it announces that the fulfillment of His promise is finally at hand. In Hebrew, the word for remembered is Zakar (Strong's Concordance # 2142). It is a verb, an action word, meaning to recall something, to remember, to call it to mind. God remembered the previous commitment He had given to Noah. It was now time for Him to activate the promise He made. God was about to act on His word.

Notice the Scripture reference, 8:1. Eight is the number of new beginnings; Noah and the crew were on the threshold of a new beginning. The rains have ceased and the storm is over. The ark has come to rest and the waters are beginning to subside and it looks as though the corner is finally here and their promise is at hand. But wait, there is still more waiting. At the end of forty more days, Noah opened the window and sent out a raven and a dove (Genesis 8:6-8). The raven just kept flying back and forth on its own, but the dove returned to the ark because there was no other resting place for her feet. This signaled to Noah that it was not yet time to leave the safety of the ark.

Beloved, often when it feels as though we are "stuck in our ark" God is really keeping us enclosed to protect us from something. Wisely, Noah waited seven more days before sending the dove out for the second time (verse 10). This time she came back with a freshly picked olive leaf in her mouth, signaling the corner was really just around the corner, but Noah waited yet another seven days before sending the dove out for the third time (verse 12). The dove didn't return this time, yet still Noah waited until he heard the Lord speak and give the command to leave the ark (verse 15). The dove and the raven have symbolic importance here. If we follow the raven's example, we will fly around and around, never finding rest for our weary soul. However, the dove, which is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, will guide us and lead us into all truth as we wait on Him. (See John 16:13.)

God Helps Us Wait

The problem that arises during the waiting process is that our minds begin to wander, and we can drift through the doorway of doubt. Even if you are a seasoned Christian, it does not mean that you are immune to the devil's schemes. We may not even realize it, but in these moments of vulnerability the devil gets in there and says, "Has God indeed said _____???" (Genesis 3:1b) Fill in the blank yourself. What has God said to you? We can become disappointed as we wait on and on and it looks as though God is not going to come through. We may even begin to wonder if we heard Him correctly in the first place.

Disappointments are painful and they can trigger negative emotions like doubt, worry and fear. Doubt--"Nothing good ever happens to me." Worry--"What if my corner never comes?" Fear--"Did God forget me?" These feelings only become magnified as we witness others coming into their promises while we wait on. In our conscious mind we know God is faithful, but some place deep in our subconscious a wave of doubt might be stirring. These thoughts act like an undertow pulling us out into the sea of uncertainty as we wonder if we'll ever come upon dry land again.

The Bible does not tell us that Noah experienced any of these feelings, but the reality is that most of us do. Maybe today you are feeling a bit discouraged in the waiting. I know I was, and that is why the Lord spoke to me in a dream and a vision. God encourages us along the way--just look at Noah. He had a lot of waiting to go through--we all do--but each step of the way God sent him encouragement. The rains did come to an end, the waters did subside, and the dove did return with an olive branch. God helps us wait! I needed to be encouraged desperately; I was buying the lies that the devil was telling me. I was growing weary and doubting if the corner would ever come when, suddenly, the Lord took me firmly by the shoulders and said, "Tiffany Ann, be still!! ...and know that I am God."

Quoting myself from February's Monthly Manna 2008, "It takes tremendous faith to 'be still, and know that I am God'" (Psalm 46:10). It takes a faith we don't possess to be still in the midst of the storm and remain convinced that He has not forgotten us or the promise He made. These storms come in many different forms such as financial hardships, sickness, regret, failure and even death. "O death, where is thy sting?" (1 Corinthians 15:55). O yes, there is life after death, hallelujah, but meanwhile there is a life to live, and the burning sting of disappointment can throw us way off course.

It's okay to feel hurt and disappointed; we just can't let those feelings cause us to fly around and around like the raven, or else we'll be exhausted both physically and spiritually. If Jesus had not held me still that day, I would have remained discouraged, doubtful, and worse--I would have remained, spiritually, right where I was and not move forward into my destiny.

God Cannot Escape His Faithfulness--He Gave His Word

I believe the Lord is trying to bring us to the place where we can wait without worry, a type of faith place where we won't wrestle with our thoughts and emotions all the time. A place of peace where we can fly as the dove did above the floodwaters that are in our lives and find rest as we wait in Him, our Ark. This waiting is what will bring us to the threshold of our Genesis 8:1, "Then God remembered..." It's our new beginning where we will see the fulfilled promises of God manifested.

Beloved, the promises of God are received in one place, the Promised Land, and it's our heart-convinced faith that will bring us there. It is shocking when we realize in Hebrews 3:19 that many did not enter into the Promised Land because of their unbelief. Can you see why Jesus addresses this issue with His disciples over and over again? The disciples were the believers, yet Jesus is addressing their beliefs, or rather their lack of them. Can you see why He told Peter He was going to pray for his faith? Can you see why He invited Thomas to touch His hands and side? Can you see why He would give me a dream and vision?

He is encouraging us, building up our faith. Beloved, God wants us to trust Him and take Him at His word so we can enter in. The devil's taunting words of, "Has God said?" should never have power over us as believers! God cannot escape His faithfulness; He is moved by His very character to fulfill all His promises. He gave His Word!

"God is not a man, that He should lie." Numbers 23:19

Maybe you are waiting on the promise of a restored relationship, health, happiness, peace, joy, love, or financial prosperity. These aren't Christian fairy tales; these are part of the abundant life that Jesus said He came to give. God is faithful. Maybe God told you to write a book, sing a song, start a church, feed the hungry or visit the lonely, yet every step you take forward the devil pushes you back two with that same old phrase, "Has God indeed said?" We can't let it distract us one more time from who we are and who God called us to be. We must not give up. It's in the waiting that we will see God's promises fulfilled. We are on the threshold; the corner really is just around the corner.

Beloved, never forget, God always remembers and He will complete His destiny in your life. Amen!

"But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Tiffany Ann Lewis
Dancing with the Flame of the Lord Ministries
Email: tiffanyann@tiffanyannlewis.com

Tiffany Ann Lewis is a prophetic worship leader and speaker whose heart has been passionately awakened by a God who sees us in our shortcomings and loves us in spite of it all (Ezekiel 16). It is this message of Hope--God's burning love for humanity--that she desires to share through word or song wherever she goes. Tiffany Ann has been ministering for over 10 years in prophetic worship throughout the Body of Christ. She worships with her family at Northway Church in Malta, New York, where she serves on the worship team.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

2 Corth 4:8-9

I will draw you out of this situation much as one draws a bucket of water from a well. This is not an impossible circumstance. You cannot fail or be destroyed if you keep walking with Me in obedience. I will never leave nor will I ever forsake you. Difficult times are a part of life. You have faced many already. Allow Me to raise you higher so that you can see from the mountaintop. You will think more clearly from My vantage point. I will show you all that I have prepared for you to make you a blessing in the earth and to be blessed mightily by Me. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 "We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed and broken. We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit. We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going."

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Racial and Prejudice Mindsets Exposed"

For those of you who love the prophetic, I have to let you know that something is really brewing on the forefront right now!
We are hearing of so many words about racial reconciliation and unity-- and how we, the CHURCH (you and me), are being called to and can step into that place of bringing healing.
This word is a trumpet call to all of us to examine our heart and motives--and let God convict and change us so we can be His extraordinary Body.
Remember, in Christ, there is neither male nor female, black or white, old or young--there are simply those who know Christ loves them and died for them, and those who don't know it (yet)!
From The Elijah List

Robert Ricciardelli: "Racial and Prejudice Mindsets Exposed"

It is very clear that this year's election is manifesting much in the exposure of American hearts. This article is not directed to all American hearts; this is directed to the hearts of those who profess Jesus as King. This is to those who profess Almighty God as Creator and lover of every human being. This is also a time that many are chiming in on their perception of a variety of societal concerns. We are seeing polls that are asking questions like, "Is America ready for a black President? Or female President?" This opens the door for even deeper discussions.

I want to clarify right from the start that this has nothing to do with a political stance. This has everything to do with our Kingdom posture and what we represent to the world and to each other. I have tried to be selective in what I am reading, watching, or listening to politically, because of time and because of the volume of information that streams in each day.

What do I perceive prophetically?

God continues to bring a major shift to this nation and, as always, He desires the shift to be brought forth through His People. We are in a season of divine examination of our hearts and minds. How do our mindsets line up with what we say we believe? There is an ugly and powerful influence still lingering in the Body of Christ. It may mask itself for a while and then manifest injustice towards racial and gender diversity. This remains as an obstacle in the worldwide Body of Christ, as well.

I have wondered how we would feel if Barack Obama's political stance lined up with everything we believed that God desired to lead this country. Would he be received by all of God's people without racial prejudice? Racism can be hidden or ignored, but it lingers still in the hearts of many Christian Americans. I believe that to everyone reading this, the Lord is saying that it is time to deal with it. It is an issue that comes against our mandate to love, and it combats our commitment to truly live as ambassadors of His glorious Kingdom.

Let's consider Hillary Clinton. Would there be concerns if Hillary lined up with everything we believed that God desired to lead this country? The answer is an alarming "yes" in many that are saved and sanctified by the blood of Jesus. And the concerns would be mostly gender related. I am proposing that this year's election is revealing more than left and right politics. I believe this election is beckoning questions of where our hearts may be in our judgment of others.

I have witnessed African Americans, Hispanics, and women get passed over in opportunities, promotions and the ability to lead businesses and churches. These are organizations led by godly people that have discounted lives only on the basis of race or gender, even when the person was the most qualified for the job. These are Jesus-people making anti-Jesus decisions.

This is not a recommendation for either candidate, but a reflective opportunity for all of us to examine our hearts.

This is a great opportunity for each of us to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us if this is an issue in our own hearts that needs to be reckoned with. These issues that are left unresolved will affect our relationships, and ultimately, how we live out our lives to the glory of God. I presuppose that this is as severe as any unresolved sin that must be confessed and put under the blood of Jesus.

Non-white and female Kingdom people are included, as this applies to all of us. Regardless of past injustices, the Lord wants to heal our hearts from injustices to us, our families and our culture. We need the Lord to give us His vision and His love towards all people. This is the day and the hour for freedom to reign in our hearts and minds.

We are truly deceived if we think we can go on into the fullness of God--carrying such things in our hearts and minds.

I pray that the Lord would reveal to us any prejudices, while showing us how to interact, honor, respect and truly love those who are God's beloved.

Lord, let us see with Your eyes when we look at others. Lord, deliver us from our religion, and any part of our culture or heritage that would keep us in bondage.

Hear from the Lord on whom you should vote for, but more importantly, hear from the Lord on whom you must love and whom should never be limited based on their race or their gender. God will continue to appoint both male and female, along with various races to lead people, churches, businesses, and nations to the glory of God.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28

Robert Ricciardelli
Vision Advancement Strategies
Email: info@vision2advance.com

Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep ElijahList website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.

ElijahList Publications
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Albany, OR 97321
email: info@elijahlist.net
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good morning, God gave me an exciting revelation last night!! In the last two months, my dreaming has intensified tremendously. Well mixed in with all of that I was getting an impression of a number, over and over again. But it had no context to go with it. I would just see a flash of this number. It was 1401. I kept praying and asking for revelation, and came up nowhere. So I would leave it, and then I would get it again, and again. I didn't think it was a date becasue there is no 14th month. I thought it could be a time, but it would be military meaning 2:01 PM, but didn't have peace or confirmation on that. Thought it might be scripture, but again didn't have any context to give a clue as to the book, soooo I looked up every chapter 14 verse 1 that was in the bible, and none of them gave me the feeling that I always had when I woke up with the impression, so again I have been praying about it, and was doing some more research. I pulled out my dream books and studied numbers again, and even sent an email to the elijah list and to chuck pierce asking for more number resources. And then last night I was reading up on the passover, since it is next week!!! And this is what I came accross. "God commanded Moses to hold the passover feast on the fourteenth day of the first month of the year (Ex 12:6)" I was so overwhelmed by the Spirit that I cried and cried and worshiped and thanked God. And then in my dream that I wrote about yesterday there was something about 7 days, and seven days from when I had the dream is the first day of passover!!! I am not sure what God is going to do, but He is going to do something and it is going to be awesome!! I can just feel it and I am excited and overwhelmed. And I have this great peace about it!! Thank you Lord to you goes all the GLORY forever and ever Amen!!

So I just wanted to share that!
Love ya

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A dream

i had another dream last night :) There were lots of details, some I remember and some I have lost already, I know the dream was personal, but also corporate. The one key ingredient was that alot of my friends, family, and neighbors were at church together having a celebration, and discussing plans for the future. There were lots of children there too, and they were play enacting bible stories, while the adults watched, talked, and ate. (there was alot of smiling and family fun and laughter) But as we talked about what was to come I saw a large puzzle. The puzzle was completely put together. It was a battle, with lots of red in it. Some were fearful of it, but I was excited, and many others were too. We started to talk about the puzzle and what we were supposed to do, and when it would be. I looked at the puzzle and could see that the bottom row of pieces had words. I could read them, and kept exclaiming to everyone, that we didn't need to plan, because the instructions were at the bottom of the puzzle. It seemed as if no one else could see it, or were not paying attention. Finally I got them to listen to me, and they said that the writing was too small for them to see from this distance. (which I could read it, but they couldn't) so someone was sent to the puzzle to bring the bottom row to us, so we could read it. They brought the pieces like 4 at a time. So it couldn't be fully read, until the whole row was put back together in front of us. I know in the dream I knew exactly what it said, but now I only remember that it guaranteed victory, and something about 7 days. I was very excited.

there was alot more to the dream that was personal, but that part was very much corporate :)
Love ya

Monday, April 14, 2008

God's Voice

There is a quote that I love it is:

"My sheep know My voice. For the Good Shepherd NEVER speaks words of despair, hopelessness, frustration, shame, guilt, discouragement, fear, confusion or failure... but ONLY words of hope, rest, victory, peace, power, joy, triumph and love."

I have this taped to my computer at work, so I can continually look at it and try not to forget it, or fall into the trap of listening to the lies of the enemy.

Yes, God disciplines us!! But he is always able to do it in a way that uplifts us and empowers us, leads us to repentance and forgiveness. When I am heavy with guilt and shame, this is from Satan, this usually makes me not feel worthy to go to my father God. But when i see these words, I reject the lies, and know that in Love I can go to him with anything and everything. I can trust him, and I can trust that I hear him and that he speaks to me. Satan wants me to feel like CRAP!!! God never does, God does not guilt us into obediance, he wants to love us into a relationship. Yay!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

God's word to me today :)

There is something big coming in your life. It is big and good. Your enemy the devil wants to knock you off course anyway he can. Be on the alert. Expect the best to happen but prepare for his attack. You are not to give the devil glory by concentrating on him. Keep your eyes fixed on Me and the good which will come from your big blessing. But out of the corner of your eye watch for him. Don't let yourself be caught unaware. You are not doing anything wrong. Much to the contrary you are doing right. But he wants to cause havoc. Keep your eyes on Me. 1Peter 5:6-8 "So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A comment about leaning!

Another comment from a friend:) I love you all!!! This is great

Let me kick it a just a few words (need to leave for church). I think the significant part of "lean not of you own understanding" lies with the word lean. Do you do what you do and make decisions etc. based on what you want and see, using basic human knowledge and understanding, or are you depending on God to direct you as you submit to Him, his word, and his will. Many christian people just rely on common sense (kinda) and really don't make God much of the equation. Are we leaning on us or leaning onHim? Keep it simple.

A comment about peace

You can post my comments anytime! I don't know if I have ever experienced that kind of peace. I love having these conversations with you. It's one of my favorite things to do. :-)


I love these conversations too. remember that just because I write them doesn't mean I have figured it out :) I have experianced peace, that could only come from God, but truthfully I do not think that I have fully experianced the peace that scripture is talking about :) I think it is something that through a deeper, growing relationship, we kind of grow into. In human stand point it doesn't make sence, we think God I am sooooo messed up right now, that it is hard to be really close to you, so give me the peace first and then I will get closer! But he tends to work the opposite and when we say God I am soooo messed up please give me peace, he says draw closer to me and I will give you peace. And we finally submit just a little and we get alittle peace and we draw a little closer. The more we draw near to him, then the more peace we have. It is not easy, it is actually hard because it takes a submition of the will (and our wills have ruled for a long time and they do not like to bend:). And like I said before, we then have to submit what we thought we knew. For me I tell God that I cannot draw closer to him or submit, because I have been hurt and disappointed to many times. I feel that God has let me down. BUT what I have come to realise is again that what he told me was not wrong, it was my very narrow view or expecation of what he told me. And then I held on to my expectation instead of letting it Go and just watching God. Letting it go and just listening to God. Letting it go and trusting. Does this mean that if we accomplish this that we won't be hurt?? NO!!!! We will still get hurt, the world is a crappy place and bad things happen. But we have developed a deeper relationship with God and have been practicing the giving it back to him, over and over again, and the peace is there, the love is there, the forgiveness is there. I don't know, this is just me rambling :) Some days I am very good at this!!! And some days I don't get out of bed!! But the days in bed or getting fewing :) Again, I love you, and I love these conversations too. They really grow me.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My response to the comment :)

I posted this comment because I thought it was VERY GOOD, and that others might be thinking the same thing, so here is my response.

I believe that God wants us to seek him, and in doing so he will reveal things to us (so understand) but we then have to give that understanding back to his possession, because we really only understand a little or a part. For instence, God told me Matt was to be my husband.... I thought I understood this (I still believe that I do) His word to me was not wrong, and my understandning was not wrong, my mistake was then trying to control it, trying to see when and how it was to be, and then my human expectations, let me down over and over again. My understanding of the situation is like me looking through a straw :) Even though he has spoken to me, even though I have seen, I still have to let him do it his way and in his timing. It doesn't mean to forget what he has told me, but to just let God. This is VERY difficult for me. But I am trying :) And about the persistance, YOU cannot wear God down, like our kids wear us down. He sees the persistance as a good thing (as long as it is a promise from God and not just a selfish desire). And yes I understand just being tired.... I am that way too. That is when I stop focusing on the vision, and JUST focus on the peace that only God can give.... and then I am persistant in that :) Because I will get it, it is a promise, I will cry and worship and yell at him until I get the peace. Then I can go back to the vision that I am contending for. No it is not easy. And it is OK, to step back and say God I can't do it right now :) HE NEVER CONDEMS US!!!! His desire is to love, and encourage and be in relationship with us. I am sorry if I confused you :) You are NOT a simpleton :) I love you very much.


A comment from a dear friend

I think you just confused the heck out of me. So, are we supposed to try to understand things or not? That's where I just give up and try not to think so much. LOL. I'm not knocking your revelation here, just a question - if we think we understand something but are supposed to give it back to God, how then can we get anything done? I feel like I'm swimming against the current as it is...Well anyway, if it helped you, that's great. I think God needs to speak to me like I'm a simpleton or I just don't get it.

I just read your other post in the blog about persistence and keep knocking. Maybe I'm just being stubborn and defiant, but I am just too darn tired to keep it up. I just don't care to ask anymore. Then I think about my own kids and how when they really want something, they keep at it until they wear me down...I don't want to try to wear God down. That's just not right. That's enough for today I think...

Lean not on your own understanding

I have been talking with God about the verse that says "lean not on your own understanding". And I got a revelation. Now It seems really simple, but it just clicked with me, so bear with me. I have been leaning on this verse a lot lately because a lot of things have been going on that I just don't understand, and I want to understand, and I get depressed and frustrated when I can't, so I have been leaning on this verse to give me peace, and to turn my focus back onto trusting God in everything. But I was talking to him today, and I focused in on "YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING" and God pointed out to me, that this also meant that when I think I DO understand, that I am not to lean on it either!!! Wow, that made me think, I tend to want to control things, and I really want to figure things out, but even when i do understand, (or think that I do) I am to completely surrender that too!! Because, I need to surrender my expectations. God talks to me constantly, and he is always revealing things to me, BUT I am human and even though His word has never been wrong, my expectations of that word, can be off :) And when my expectations get thrown to the wind, I get hurt and angry. So I am learning to continue to have faith, continue to hear God, continue to have understanding, but to not lean on what I think I understand! To submit it back to God, and then when it comes about, I am excited and not disappointed. (or at least this is the goal:)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Shameless Persistance and Insistence

If I have promised I will deliver. Those things you desire of Me based on a vision I gave you or a promise I made to you, keep on asking and believing. Have the attitude that you will never let go until you move Me to action. Some things never come into reality because you do not come to Me with shameless persistence and insistence. Once you set your mind that you will have the fulfillment of these visions and promises, never let it go. Knock and keep on knocking. Ask and keep on asking. Look and keep on looking. I guarantee you that the door will eventually open and you will have all you seek. Don't stop until you have it all. Shameless persistence and insistence. Luke 11:8 "I tell you, although he will not get up and supply him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his shameless persistence and insistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs."

Monday, April 07, 2008

Starting again

Hello, I have not blogged in a long time, and God has been getting on me about it. So in obediance to Him, I am going to start blogging again. So starting today, I hope to talk to you frequently:)


God told me to be blogging again (I have been disobedient in this) so This week I started,
it is rough still, but if you want to check it out you can :) It is nothing big or fancy, just
thoughts that God is revealing to me. I don't like to write as much as talk, so it is harder
for me to get it down, then it is to just say it. But God has been VERY insistant, and he
pretty much told me that I wouldn't move much further if I didn't obey--- so again I am trying
to submit my will to his. For some reason I had the misconception, that submitting to my
best friend and lover would be easy, but I must be pretty stuburn :) But PTL He is the Lord
of much forgiveness and many chances. He never gives up on me, AND he takes into account
my heart, so even if I think I fail, He sees the progress, He sees every little bending of my will,
and is pleased.